Bus/Walking School Bus

School Bus

Riverhead School students (Y1-8) must live at least 3.2 kilometres from the school, over the shortest public road or pedestrian route from home roadside gate to the school’s front gate. The bus runs from Borics to Barretts Road.

School Bus Policy

You can view our Policies and Procedures on our School Docs website HERE

Riverhead School Bus Code of Conduct

Walking School Bus

Our Walking School Bus is currently not operating. We are on the lookout for a superstar guardian to take over the running of the bus. This entails working closely with Travelwise Teacher at school and co-ordinating the bus drivers. Email josiem@riverhead.school.nz if this sounds like you!

Our wonderful and popular Walking School Bus operates every afternoon (leaving school no later than 2.40pm). There is no cost to enrol your child on this service and it is a great way to keep your child safe and provide them with a bit of exercise as well! Information is available at the school office.

Currently the bus walks to the tennis courts.  If requested by you, children may leave the bus prior to reaching Edward St. e.g. Kauri Gum Store, Duke St, King St, Maude St, Albert St, Queen St, Arthur St, Great North Rd. Please Note there are NO pick-ups from the Four Square unless your child lives in either Maude St or Albert St.

Please fill in consent form below if you wish your child to use this service, or contact Miss Masson at josiem@riverhead.school.nz