School Lunches
We are a NUT FREE school, this includes Nutella, Peanut Butter, muesli bars containing nuts and any items made from nuts. We have a number of anaphylaxis children and we need to keep them safe. At Riverhead School we follow a healthy eating programme – therefore you need to provide your child with a balanced lunch each day. If your child has any food allergies please let your child’s homeroom teacher and the office know, so we can put an action plan in place.
We are a water only school which means children can only bring water to school to drink. We have drinking fountains throughout the school and some bottle refilling fountains also.
We offer a variety of lunches to purchase at Riverhead School. Please see below for options.
All orders must be made on Kindo (a "how to" guide is located at the bottom of this page).
No orders will be accepted through the office.
All packaging will come home with your children at the end of the day.
Orders need to be in by Monday and Wednesday morning (by 1pm at the latest). You can make orders for multiple days on Kindo.
Sausage Sizzle/Hot Dog Fundraiser
On Week 5 and Week 10 the PaTs team holds a sausage sizzle or hot dog fundraiser on the Friday which coincides with our Rewards/Mufti day. This is available to order on Kindo in the weeks leading up to the sausage sizzle/hot dog day. All orders must be received by the day before.
Kindo "How to" Video