School Uniform

School Uniform Policy

School Uniform Policy.pdf

Riverhead School Uniforms can be ordered through this link 


*Please note if you are unable to open the document, please look to the address bar and click "allow pop ups".

Second Hand Uniform/Brand New, Old Style uniform

We now have limited numbers of second hand uniform available. If you are looking for some second hand items please email: and the lovely ladies will help you out. Alternatively you can join the Second Hand Uniform Facebook page HERE

If you have any uniform you would like to pass on, you are also able to contact that email to arrange drop off/swaps.

P.E./Sports Shirts

P.E. shirts in School house colours are available to purchase. 

These are fantastic to bring for P.E. and Sports, and on our special whole school activity days. The price is $17.  We have sample sizes to try on in the school office. 

Shirts are available to order on Kindo. Please note we make two orders per term. 

School Uniform Policy

Riverhead School has a strict uniform policy. 

You can view our Policies and Procedures on our School Docs website HERE